What is webtop?

Webtop and its operations:

In Documentum, webtop is one of the application used by end users to perform basic operations like import, export etc.

Webtop, among all other applications, is the simplest(yet complicated) application to just allow users to perform operations needed in their business processes.

Here's the screenshot simple login page of webtop:

webtop login page

1. Login:

User needs to enter their user Id and Password shared/configured. Most enterprises uses "LDAP" for single login mechanism so usually credentials here used are "LDAP" credentials(other authentication methods can also be configured on user level)

User needs to select the corresponding repository as wee for login. Each and every repository handles user profile separately, so if user needs to access multiple repository, their profile needs to be setup in all those repository.

Once logged in successfully, user is shown there default folder(the folder which usually the user use the most). All other cabinets in which user have access, can be seen in the 'Cabinet' list in the left side.

webtop homepage after login

Mostly, on the left side the highlighted ones are the options required by the users(mostly but not always)

a. My Home Cabinet : The folder which is shown to user by default, post login. Can be updated by admin.
b. Cabinets: Shows the list of all cabinets in which user have at least browse access.

2. Operations

A. File Tab

Depending upon the access provided to user on each folder, they can see the following options in "File" Menu

i). New -> Document & New -> Folder:
Allows one to create new documents and folder in current folder level

ii).  Import:
Import allows one to upload the files to Documentum from local Machine.

B. Edit Tab

Allows on to copy/move the selected document(The one added to clipboard earlier, if any)

C. Tool Tab

All other operations are almost similar, important ones are:
Transform: Allows to convert document to other formats.
Preferences: Allows one to configured few options on UI. like column preferences(Saves in browser level, and may reset frequently to defaults)

D. File Level Operations:

Various actions can be performed on the files, they can be seen by right clicking on the file name

(skipping obvious ones)
Edit : Allows one to edit the document.

Check Out : Allows user to download the document to local machine for edit(Also put a lock on document so other users can not edit it).

Check In : Upload the checked out document to Documentum.

Email as Link : Create a unique URL(called DRL) of the document which you can share with others.

Export Selected Rows to CSV :  Allows one to save all the metadata shown(all the properties visible), into a CSV file. Only selected rows will be saved.

Properties: Allows to see all the attributes and there values associated with the object.

Add to Clipboard : Allows one to copy paste the document within Documentum.

Turn On read & Change Notification: If set to on, will trigger you an email notification for the changes, if any made, in the document.

View ->
Versions: Allows you to see all the versions associated with the Document.
Renditions: Allows one to see the file in other formats as well.(if configured). Ex an image can also be seen as a pdf file.
Relationships:  shows the relationship of Object with Other objects.
Locations: Shows the other locations.

LifeCycle: Allows one to manually update lifecycle.

Virtual Documents: <to be updated>


How to import/export documents:
Importing a Document:
Just click on File tab -> Import -> select file -> Select "Type"(default is "dm_document") -> Finish

Exporting a Document:
Right click on document -> Export

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