What is Enterprise Content Management/ECM

Content management is basically an strategy to manage all the content of an organization or entity.

Take an example of your local computer. Usually in our personal computer, we have one or more local disks. Also we create multiple folders within each drive to store our files like movies pictures etc. 

This is just a plain example of Content Management, however if you think about an organization specially big enterprises with thousands of employees.  It impossible to store all the content in the same way as we do in our personal computer.

So what exactly meant by 'content' here. 

Content can be anything. It can be documents like contracts, employee's related documents(ex Salary slip etc), photographs(related to the organizations projects), Video Audio files etc.

Think of a multinational organization, like some product based company with 5000+ employees. These employees includes IT, sales , management, HR, contractors, accountant, travelling partners etc.

Now if they all work in traditional manner, that is if they store everything in paper then they need to store each and every document in a centralized location for tracking. Just imagine how high stacks that can create. Also if any document is required by any team, they need to extract it manually which will take too much efforts. In short there can be hundreds of problems to manage these documents.

So the best way for these enterprizes is to store them digitallly. It will not only allow them to retrieve the content easily but will allow better management. Just stop for a minute and think how exactly making oraginzation go paperless can help for managing the content.

Now coming back to content management. If we simply think to store this huge amount of content by simply storing them as we do in our personal computer, then it will never be a good way.

The very first requirement will be to ensure authorization and authentication. That is, only authorized users should be allowed to access the folder according to the business needs. Like an employee should not be able to access Payslips of other user but HRs should be able to.

Although this can be achieved in our persona computer way, but consider the point that there can be thousand of users who's access needs to be granted manually or revoked. SO its near to impossible if we go with manual approach. 

So organizations use the commercial tools like Sharepoint, Doumentum etc for the same purpose.
